Europar Arkeologoek Elkarteko nazioarteko biltzarrean Aranzadi

Ostirala, 2018eko irailaren 7a — CEST
Irakurketa: 2 minutu
Aranzadiko ikertzaileen ekarpenak aurten ugariak izan dira: Saio tematiko bat antolatu dute, sei aurkezpen eta poster bat, beti estatu mailako eta nazioarteko unibertsitateekin elkarlanean.
Hemen kontribuzioen zerrenda:
Crafts during the Bronze Age: pottery technology in San Adrian (Gipuzkoa). Izaro Quevedoren aurkezpen orala.
Open air sites in coastal environments during the late Prehistory: Uribe Kosta. Miriam Cubasen aurkezpen orala.
On the boundary: first steps to decipher the long-term dietary change produced by the introduction of agriculture in Iberia. Miriam Cubasen aurkezpena.
How do women die? archaeology of the repression towards women. Lourdes Herrastiren ekarpena.
The interest of integrating geophysics on archaeological investigations: the Roman settlement case at Artzi (Navarre). Ekhine García eta Oihane Mendizabal aurkezpen orala.
No perfect plan in archaeological geophysics. Assuming the unexpected in survey strategies. Ekhine Garcíaren ekarpena.
San Adrian/Lizarrate cave (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country): highland human settlement. Alfredo Moraza, Manu Ceberio eta Jesus Tapiaren posterra.
Hemen kontribuzioen zerrenda:
Crafts during the Bronze Age: pottery technology in San Adrian (Gipuzkoa). Izaro Quevedoren aurkezpen orala.
Open air sites in coastal environments during the late Prehistory: Uribe Kosta. Miriam Cubasen aurkezpen orala.
On the boundary: first steps to decipher the long-term dietary change produced by the introduction of agriculture in Iberia. Miriam Cubasen aurkezpena.
How do women die? archaeology of the repression towards women. Lourdes Herrastiren ekarpena.
The interest of integrating geophysics on archaeological investigations: the Roman settlement case at Artzi (Navarre). Ekhine García eta Oihane Mendizabal aurkezpen orala.
No perfect plan in archaeological geophysics. Assuming the unexpected in survey strategies. Ekhine Garcíaren ekarpena.
San Adrian/Lizarrate cave (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country): highland human settlement. Alfredo Moraza, Manu Ceberio eta Jesus Tapiaren posterra.